I’ve been having some pretty serious issues trying to come up with a blog post. It’s been what, a month and half since I last posted?
To be honest, I’ve been purposely ignoring this whole writing nonsense. I’ve been filling my time reading. Thank God there are people out there who can stick to writing in order to actually finish a book so that I have something to read. I could never write an entire book. All of my writings together might make a nice little pamphlet…
But now my reading has taken on a vengeful edge.
It started as me justifying my reduced output of writing with, “Eh. This book is boring. They don’t want to hear about this.”
Then it became, “Man that book was great! Let’s not ruin the experience with a freakin’ book report.”
Now it’s progressed to me scrunching up on my reading chair, screwing my face into a child’s pout and whining, “But I don’t WANNA DO IT!!!! And I’m going to read this book and not write about and I’m going to ENJOY IT, JUST SEE IF I DON’T!!!”
At that point my husband avoids eye contact and backs away slowly.
The problem is now I’m starting to feel guilty about not doing what I set out to do. Like when I think I’ll get up early to work out and instead oversleep by 30 minutes. Except worse ‘cause who cares about exercise, am I right?
I decided to take some advice to jumpstart my writing from the people who actually possess patience, perseverance and discipline and I stumbled across this little gem that illustrates the crux of my problem;
“Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret.” - Matthew Arnold
Matthew Arnold was an 18th century British poet and critic. He was very respected and admired, but I’m not sure if it’s because of his writing or his fabulous mutton chops.
His quote made me realize the reason I’ve been having so much trouble coming up with a post recently; I haven’t had a thing to say. The books I’ve been reading have been if not great then at least adequate, none of my library books are overdue and I’ve had plenty of free time for reading.
So since there’s been nothing unfortunate or bizarre happening in my reading life, I haven’t had anything to write about. I could have just written about how hunky dory things have been, but that would have been the most God-awful, G-rated, Mayberry read ever.
As another great, Maxwell Anderson said;
“The story must be a conflict.”
So, I’m sorry to break it to you, but my life’s been just fine lately. So I’m basically writing this post to tell you I have nothing to write about. If I want some respect and admiration I’m going to have to grow some mutton chops.